Collections attributes
KB article ID: 600
CollectionsState- this will indicate the most recent state of the case:
PENDING_BOND- if a bond is unapplied at referral, or gets "unapplied" (un-reclassed) AFTER referral, the case (litigant) will have this state. Since the balance on the case will include pending bonds, the agency and the Circuit Clerk can decide whether or not the agency should pursue the case. But in any event, the agency should advise the Clerk of the pending bond. Unless it is due to e re-offense on a probation case, the court will want to go ahead and apply such bonds, or the JIMS case balance will never get to zero.
InitialCollectionsBalance- represents the balance on the day the case was referred to collections
This is different from the Balance (below) because it is assumed that pending bonds will be applied.
Because the agency's fee should be based on the balance at referral, payments made after the case is referred to collections are not included in this balance. In such situations, this balance will not be just TotalDue-TotalPaid.
This will include the agency's fee, if the court is adding such fees prior to referral in order to ensure that they are collected if the litigant comes to court to make a payment.
CollectionsDate- this represents the last time the case was changed ways of interest a collection agency. See also Date formats in Judici XML. The changes could just be referral to or withdrawal from the collections. But as long as the CollectionsState remains REFERRED, the CollectionsDate is also updated when there is a change to the records which can affect the case balance:
Payment record was created or modified. Modification may be necessary due to an error, or when a bond is partially transferred to another case. Note that if a payment record is modified only with respect to how it was distributed to various fees, this will update the CollectionsDate even though the web service doesn't provide any details on the distribution change.
Account receivable record created or modified. A/R modifications can be categorized as:
a change to the amount owed- this will be reflected in the balance on the case
a change to the due date. If the new due date is in the future, the court should also withdraw the case from collections, as indicated by a change in the CollectionsState attribute.
Payment or A/R record changes which are of no interest to a collections agency (e.g. a change to the breakdown of the A/R or payment amount by the court's internal fine/fee accounts).
Changes to other data, such as litigant demographics (address), do not affect the CollectionsDate
Balance- this assumes that pending bonds (if any) will not applied to the case. So if all bonds have been applied, and no payments are made between referral and the creation of the CourtDataTransferFile, this is the same as the InitialCollectionsBalance above.